Sunday, September 22, 2013

Don't be a Grindr Queen

Most of you have at this point have realized I am a gay guy, I know shocking right? Well as a gay man it is difficult to meet new people sometimes, so of course in this technological age we live in, there is now an app for that! Well there are a bunch of apps, but I am going to talk about one, maybe two of them in this post. The best known gay app on the market right now is Grindr. I describe it as Gaydar for your phone. Before I go into this topic further I would like to tell you how I was introduced to this delightful app.

One night about two years ago I was drunk(which is how all the best stories start), and was chatting with a good friend of mine, who shall remain nameless at the moment, told me about this crazy app a friend of hers had that showed all the gay men in the area. Me being the fabulously drunk that I am, decided that this was the coolest thing ever, and I had to have it! Thus started the nightmare that is Grindr. Don't get me wrong, being able to be a total creeper with my phone, and seeing all of the 'momos in the area is great, what is not so great is the Grindr Queens. Of course me being the awesome person I am, I have taken the liberty off taking screen shots of the better conversations I have had on this app in the past 6 months.